So far, by God's grace

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The A B C's of me

How do tags work? Does there have to be a person who tagged you? Couldn't you just look at what someone else has written and then do something similar? I don't know the rules... and even if there are unwritten rules for blogging i'm going to say "Bah Humbug!" to them! .......... hah!
so... anyway, I found this on a friend's friend's blog. And am trying it out for moi!

The A B Cs of Me
A-Available?: No! very happily married thank you! (but if "available?" means something else, then I dont know)
B-Best friend: Ashwin!!!!!!!!!!
C-Cake or Pie?: um.... I can bake cakes better but i think I prefer pies.
D-Drink of choice: Fresh lemonade
E-Essential thing used everyday: contact lenses
F-Favorite color: (s) blue, green, purple
G-Gummi bears or worms: worms - just because u get more from one piece.
H-Hometown: Oddanchatram
I-Indulgence: 'death by chocolate'
J-January or February: February -becoz it's shorter
K-Kids and names: Let me know they're on their way at least. Then I'll proclaim it to the world!
L-Life is incomplete without: My god and my husband
M-Marriage date: 7th July 2007 (we picked 7.7.7 quite by accident! but how cool a date is that!)
N-Number of siblings: siblings =zero. brothers and sisters = lots and lots!
O-Oranges or apples: apples -fresh crispy ones.
P-Phobias: frogs
Q-Quote: "When the grass looks greener on the other side, it's time to water your own garden"
R-Reason to smile: I am a teacher, and so I laugh more than average people!
S-Season: What seasons can you have in ChennaI? between Hot, Hotter, Hottest and Hell, I think I like Hot.
U-Unknown fact about me: I took Bharatanatyam classes (indian classical dance) for about 2and a half years when I was in school but now I can' do a thing excpt the head shake!
V-Vegetable you do not like: snakegourd
W-Worst habit: Procastination
X-rays you have had: 4 i think.
Y-Your favourite food: Dosa with sambhar and 5 kinds of chutney
Z-Zodiac: aries (tho i dont belive your zodiac has anything to do with your future/personality)


  1. hey potti..
    you're so that's in line with you being you...interesting read tho :P ...and yes 7.7.7 is really cool..easy for ashwin to remember when your anniversary comes around every year..

  2. Hey Mr LOL,
    Its time you had your own blog! As for 777 being an easy date to remember, Ashwin has no trouble with dates. I'm the one who needs constant reminders!

  3. I remember u doing barathanatium :P

  4. tribal!!!! U remember??? I was hoping that would be a traumatic memory that your brain would automatically eraze!!! ha ha....

  5. tribal!!!! U remember??? I was hoping that would be a traumatic memory that your brain would automatically eraze!!! ha ha....

  6. me blog???lol..i don't think i can write to save my life.. :D..

  7. Yess i remember... u underestimate my memory.... i have a strange pictorial memory that sometimes seems 2 like 2 hang around far longer than i wish it to.

    And no im not that scarred ...u werent that bad... dude even i had 2 dance for school plays.. that scarred me :S

    I like dance now though.. its beautiful... it expresses things words cant quite capture :P i LOVE expressive dance ...
